The pursuit of happiness!

Why have I ended up here, contemplating life like this? Non stop (literally).
I have always had to deal with anxiety and at really hard times, depression and where does that leave you (me)?
Well, you either try and make life better or you just get addicted to SH#t that makes you feel better, yep, that’s the blunt truth of it! I mean, in saying that we are all addicted to something… but you know what I mean!

I realised some years ago that feeling the way I do and knowing that life can be better put me on the pursuit of happiness! Which I know now (after years of searching) what we’re looking for is not THAT but actually knowledge and tools to be able to successfully ride the wave!!! Happiness is not the end point, the idea of complete happiness is the ‘pot at the end of the rainbow’ - totally NOT achievable.

What I have realised in recent pursuits is that JOY is what we should be aiming for and not happiness =)

Joy is childlike, its the small things that we love, like taking a bubble bath or iced coffee’s, getting your toes in the sand or freshly cut grass, sunsets or cold swims. It seems to be easy to obtain but something we look over in the larger search of happiness.

If you are like me and have a sensitive nervous system that turns to anxiety very very quickly you’ll appreciate that focussing on the small things you love in life keeps you in the moment and not striving forward, feeling anxious because you are not yet there or looking back to a time when you felt happy and reminded that at the moment you are not that anymore which leaves you in a state of depression! Because happy people are actually living in the moment enjoying what is around them =)

So I ask you, if you are like me ‘on the pursuit of happiness’ what is bringing you joy today? And ask yourself this question tomorrow and the next day until you just naturally do the small things everyday that make you ‘happy’!!!

Lots of Love & Happiness ;)


A little bit about my experience with Human Design… so far..!