A little bit about my experience with Human Design… so far..!

Since finding Human Design during the pandemic, I have been engrossed in learning more and more, about how we are supposed to use our energy and that when it is used properly we will start to attract the things into our lives that are supposed to be for us! It is also amazing to learn how everyone is so different - I mean we knew that but this shows us HOW!!!

I have learnt to (try my best) at turning those voices off in my head that tell me I can’t and listen to the voice that says ‘what is for me will work out for me’ and TRUST the universe - SURRENDER!!! It is a hard transition as the ego ultimately wants to protect us!

Human Design through an individual birth chart teaches us about how we can use our energy to its fullest potential - I like it because it is practical information that we can apply (experiment with) to begin to work with the universe (all of the amazing energy around us, including others).

There are 5 main energy types and so much more information after that!
The first thing to learn is your ENERGY TYPE - Manifestor, Generator, Manifesting Generator, Projector or Reflector!
And your STRATEGY - how to make things happen/ how to let the energy flow =)
Again & again, I keep hearing that if everyone learnt these 2 things (and used them) the world would be a better place =)
For example my energy type is a Manifesting Generator and my strategy is to use my sacral (gut) to make decisions - when I feel excited I am on the right track, when I feel bluuuurgghhh - don’t do the thing! This is not true for all energy types, so when I hear 'listen to your gut’ that is something that resonates with me - other energy types may not connect with this sentiment!

I hope so far your interest has sparked, to really understand what is true for you, you will need to get your birth chart and either learn to read it or have someone read it for you =)

We need to learn more now than ever that we are all individual and different in magical ways, we need to accept others and ourselves and understand that we have been conditioned in ways of life that may not suit our energy and so we are checked out and burnt out!!!

If you would like to know more -click here =)


The pursuit of happiness!